Bredesen Keeps One Democratic PAC’s Support, While Another That Has Never Supported Him Financially Will Withhold Funds Over Kavanaugh Statement

Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Phil Bredesen will keep the backing of a top liberal political action committee but lost the support of another PAC because of his wishy-washy belated support of Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

CNBC on Friday afternoon reported that Majority Forward, a nonprofit group that spends millions to elect Democrats to the Senate, will continue to support Bredesen.

“Yes, Phil Bredesen is the only candidate who has an independent record of results for Tennessee families,” Chris Hayden, a spokesman for Majority Forward, told CNBC.

The nonprofit’s affiliated super PAC, the Senate Majority PAC, will also move ahead with plans to back Bredesen. Majority Forward has spent just over $1.6 million in support of Bredesen and $4.1 million against his opponent, U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07).

Earlier Friday, Bredesen, a former Tennessee governor, issued a half-hearted statement of support for Kavanaugh and praise for accuser Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. The statement came nearly three months after Kavanaugh was nominated and after his appointment seemed to be certain.

Bredesen will not receive money from what CNBC calls the largest Democratic super PAC, Priorities USA Action, because of his belated statement of support. That PAC is affiliated with allies of Hillary Clinton.

It is important to note, however, that Priorities USA Action had not given Bredesen any money prior to his announcement, CNBC said.

Fox 17 News quoted Blackburn as saying:

The timing of Phil Bredesen’s announcement is no coincidence. It’s a ploy to divert attention away from his record on sexual harassment and his weak record on illegal immigration policies. He thinks this will get him off the hook for his own sexual harassment problems, but there’s no covering up the fact that he destroyed evidence regarding sexual harassment claims against his friends and political allies. As governor, he gave drivers’ licenses to illegal immigrants. He opposes the wall, and he opposes President Trump’s travel ban. His campaign is bought and paid for by Chuck Schumer and national Democrats, including Michael Bloomberg. He put off an answer on Judge Kavanaugh for 88 days, under Chuck Schumer’s direction to stay neutral as long as you can. The contrast on these issues could not be more clear.”

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.







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